In this volume, we will be covering the fundamentals of dagger fighting in the German tradition of the 15th and 16th centuries. Starting with basic guards, footwork, attacks, and defenses, we will then move into series work which covers throws, locks, disarms, and counter attacks. The material has been compiled and organized to make it easier to learn and teach so that you can both practice this material at home and take it straight into your classroom. Our hope is that you find this DVD enjoyable as well as educational, and with your support we can continue to bring more quality teaching materials to the HEMA community.
About the instructor:Kyle Toelle has been studying martial arts regularly since 2005 and teaching since 2008. He has studied in Goju Karate, Western Kickboxing, MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Inosanto Kali, Kombaton Arnis, and Kunst
De Fetchen. He holds instructor rank in Karate and Arnis, and currently instructs the Dagger and Ringen (Wrestling) Class at Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts in Oklahoma.