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How long to get my SPES item?

That's a good question. While we try to keep some jackets and pants in stock, any and all color, custom or newer item (ie the 800n line) is make to order. My current lead time is 6-10 weeks from the time of the order to arrive to you. If you need your item for an event, please keep these lead times in mind.

Also, we have no way of knowing where your jacket or other item is in the production schedule. I only know when the item is completed and is on the way to me.

What SPES items do you keep in stock?

I really try to keep the AP (men's and women's) and the AP Light (men's and women's) in stock, but those are not guaranteed. If you need your item quickly best is to get on chat and ask if we have it or a substitute item. Otherwise the wait time can vary between 4-8 weeks usually.

Other protective gear we really try to keep in stock, but with the way HEMA is growing it's hard to keep up with anything!

Can you tell me how long until my SPES item arrives?

Short answer: no. We order items with SPES and then we wait for them to make and ship the item. Sometimes we then wait 2-3 weeks for UPS to deliver it. We only know when your item is complete when SPES ships it and it appears on our shipped report. Otherwise we wait for them to make your item.

How do I send you my custom measurements?

Email the requested information to customer service along with your order number: [email protected]

Using the chart below (and only the chart below, no other measurements are valid for a custom jacket or pants), send us ONLY the letter designation and the measurement (ie. A1 165 - send measurements in cm only, round up to the next whole number.)

Custom Jacket:
Measurement type/ Measurement taking method

Please write all measurements in the "Order Comments" section during checkout and include the letter designations for each line. Please use metric measurements (cm) and no punctuation.

A1 HeightTaken from bottom of foot to top of the head
C2 Arm lengthTaken from end of shoulder to wrist, outside, with bent arm
C3 Biceps girthTaken with bent arm and tense muscles
C4 Forearm girthTaken around the largest point of the forearm
C5 Wrist girthTaken at wrist joint level
D1 Chest girthTaken at armpit level (women's jackets - on bust level)
D2 Shoulders widthTaken on the back, between arm-shoulder connection points
D3 Back widthTaken at armpit level
D4 Distance neck - navelTaken from navel to bottom line of neck
D5 Abdominal girthTaken at the level of the belly button (navel)
D7 Hips girthTaken at hip joint level

Custom Pants:

(9) Waist Circumference Taken at the level of the belly button (navel)
(10) Hips Circumference Taken at hip joint level
(11) Length Taken from belly button to where you want to end (below knee)
(12) Thigh Circumference Taken around the largest point of the thigh

How do I give you my multi-color option?

for 350N items, use the chart shown below. Then email your info to [email protected]. Only send the letter and color number (ie A-1)

For 800N items, your choices are:

For 350N Kaftan use this...

Washing Instructions


USE: Extended contact with sharp elements of other protectors (plastics, Velcro, buckles) can wear down at the place of contact. Inspect the protectors to extend the lifespan of the jacket or gambeson. Jackets/gambesons made of linen (non 350N) are less resistant to wearing.

CARE: We do not recommend washing in washing machines. We recommend dry cleaning or hand-washing in water up to 86� F (30� Celsius). But, I know many people that do it. So gently cycle in cool water is best. Do not rinse or iron.
Dry by hanging in a warm place with good air circulation. Fencing jackets and gambesons dried in sunshine may lose the color or fade. Do not dry in machine driers. Suade on PRO jacket should be hand washed or dry cleaned. Use suade cleaner. In case of a tear, repair quickly. It prevents the further damages.

QUALITY GUARANTEE: We guarantee the high quality of our products and declare that all our products have been made in Poland by highly skilled professionals. We give one year guarantee for our products.
Please send all questions, positive and negative to our email: [email protected]