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Do you still sell Indian Clubs?

We have moved our line of Indian Clubs to its own company website. Visit us at for a large selection of Indian Club weights and designs.

For inquiries regarding our Indian Clubs, email us at [email protected].

Should I use a Hickory or Rattan Singlestick?

Hickory Singlestick
  • Recommended for Strength Training.
  • Not recommended for full contact sparring unless you have decent experience, a controlled sparring environment, and an opponent you know and trust. Even then we do not recommend sparring at more than 75% power and speed.
  • The Hickory is 1" in diameter and significantly heavier than Rattan.
  • The drilled holes are different, but the difference can be made up by wrapping tape around the Singlestick to better fit the 1" hole.
  • Newer sticks come with a clear finish. There isn't much you can do to help prolong its life. Your level of contact will determine that mostly. 220 sandpaper if any splinters start.

Rattan Singlestick
  • Excellent for full contact sparring.
  • The 3/4" will hit moderate, the 1" packs more of a whollup. Those are mostly for the shorter escrima prodcuts.
  • We recommend wearing at minimum something as thick as a sweatshirt for padding, a mask or helmet, and gloves.
  • For Strength Training you can wrap a small towel around the Rattan to increase its weight and wind resistance for a good workout.
  • Rattan varies from 5/8" to 7/8" in diameter.
  • Not much to do on maintenance. It will eventually start to break. You can duct tape it for a little extra life.

What diameter Staff is recommended for HEMA?

Diameter determines how heavy the staff will be, how quickly it can move, and how hard it will hit. Historically there is not much reference to the thickness/diameter of staves.

One reference has staves starting at 2 inches, then naturally tapering to the tip. Wood was grown in a very exact manner to obtain the length, strength, and taper of the wood to keep it straight, long, and strong for spears. We do not have the knowledge today to create them in that manner, so the staves we provide do not taper. On the shorter staff work, tapering is not as much of an issue anyway.
  • The 1" Staff is lighter and quicker, allowing more control and an increased speed of attack.
  • The1-1/8" Staff and 1-1/4" Staff are not as fast, but have a more devastating effect on a target. This seems to be closest to what we see in the manuals.
  • The 1-1/16" Octagon Staff is a nice compromise between sizes. The octagon shape feels good in the hand, and will do an increased amount of damage to an opponent. But its not good for training as the edges can get worn down and they are rougher on your hands.
  • We also offer a 1-1/2" Hickory Octagon Staff. This is a specialized tool that requires knowledge of using weight for offensive and defensive purposes against an opponent. This is reflected in certain specialized Asian martial arts, but has not yet been found in Western sources.
Other important factors when considering which staff to choose are the user's height, arm length, and strength. Take these aspects into consideration and discuss it with your instructor if possible.

Caring for staffs

Caring for your Wooden Staff

Your waster will be coated with a mixture of Boiled Linseed oil and Mineral Spirits (about 50/50). The mineral spirits helps with the drying. Its useful, but not required. This creates a barrier between the environment and the wood to prevent it from from drying out, becoming brittle, or warping. You can not over-oil them! BOILED linseed oil is available at any box store or even WalMart. Tung oil can also be used with much the same results and give a glossy finish. Its just a little more expensive.. BOILED linseed oil is more matte.

1. Sand lightly with 220 grit sandpaper.
2. Wipe down the wood with oil, very little is needed.
3. Let the oil sit on the wood for 15 minutes then wipe the excess away with a clean cloth.
4. Let it dry for a few hours or overnight.
5. Resand it smooth to touch once its dry.
6. If the wood is very dry put a second coat and repeat.

Caution: Please be careful with Linseed oil. Wet rags can spontaneously ignite, so follow all safety precautions.

An old North Country English saying is Once a day for a week, Once a week for a month, Once a month for a year, And once a year for life. Well, that's a lot, but it will last forever. However, one of our best customers has not oiled his wasters for 10 years and he still regularly uses them with no problems.

A light sanding with the 220 grit sandpaper can also be used to removed dirt and grime that builds up on the handle area. It will also make the blade nice and smooth. Regularly check your waster for any splinters that may appear. These should be sanded out with 120 grit sandpaper and then smoothed over with 220 grit. Re-oil the spot as required.

  • Do NOT leave wood productsin direct sun, heat, or water. This include leaving them in your car. This will cause the blade to warp and will not be covered by our Warranty. The staffs are laminated layers. Which means they are glued together. Water can degrade the glue joint.
  • Do NOT use wood against steel weapons or steel armour. Hitting a round surface is typically OK, but any sharp edges such as on a rim of a helm will gouge the wood if their is sufficient force. This is also not covered by our Warranty.
  • You can, but its not the best to use beeswax, varnish, polyurethane, or paint on the staffs, this makes the weapons look pretty, but does not penetrate and preserve the core of the wood. Some beeswax applied in the handle area to keep the dirt away is OK, but not on the blade section.
  • Do NOT neglect oiling your staffs. The wood moisture content in the wood will change just like your skin. A dry air conditioned house to a humid workout room will cause the wood to warp. Oiling can prevent this. Also without oil, the wood will dry out and splinter with contact or warp. This is not covered by our Warranty.
  • D
With proper care and maintenance your staff should last many years to come.

What length of staff to do I need?

The bo staff is traditionally 6' long. Most modern bo practitioners use a bo a few inches longer or shorter than they are. A longer bo extends your reach, while a shorter bo is easier to manage. You may want to order one a little bit longer than you think. You can always trim it down later. Ask your instructor for exact measurements he may recommend for your particular style and body frame.
Other measurements for a jo staff are your measurement right below your armpit.
We offer 3 round sizes. The 1", 1-1/8", and 1-1/4".
The 1" is a good size for quickness and standard training.
The 1-1/8" is a bit heavier. Its feels comfortable in most people grip. Its a good compromise of strength, impact force, and speed.
The 1-1/4" being the heaviest is good for stronger people and larger hands. Its very strong and used in groups that do more training that required harder blade impact. This is typically selected as a quarterstaff for western martial arts and no so much as eastern martial arts. Its extra weight makes it slower, but also hits harder. Be careful.
We offer octagon as well. These feel very nice in your hand. The 1-1/16" had a solid martial feel to it. Good for solo training and personal protection. I don't recommend steady impact training with it, since the angle can wear down quicker than a round staff.
The 1-1/2" octagon is a monster. This is only used for specialized martial training. They require a larger grip and strength (or fitness) to use.

How do I care for Rubber Poleaxes and Spearheads?

We use a high quality natural rubber, so care is fairly minimal. Any waxy white coating that is on the rubber is wax that is used to help pull the part out of the mold. So it should rub off. Otherwise any car care rubber product should be fine. Like turtle wax.

Round or Octagon Staff?

So the octagon feels good and tough in your hand.
Against an opponent will do greater damage than round.
Better indexing, especially when using with a head on it.
Best for solo work and person protection.
With intensive training with a partner, I have heard it can start to be rough on your and your opponents hands.
Impact with another staff, its more likely to form splinters on the edges.

Round Staffs:
Easier to clean, sand and maintain.
More durable overall.
Nothing really.

Solid or Laminated Staff?

The advantage of the laminated staffs:

Two layers of wood are glued together, this causes the grain of the two boards to crisscross. This greatly resists splits in the staff that often start along the grain of the wood.

Since the wood is thinner, whenever we dry the wood, there is much less harm done to the cells of the hickory. So we are drying a 1/2" piece instead of a 1" piece of wood. Lower temperatures are used and the wood stays much stronger.
The thinner hickory is sourced for betters areas of the USA. So I am able to inspect and sort the wood much more. Removing knots and wavy grain from the mix. The lower quality hickory I can use on other products thats not as important. The high quality hickory I can use for staffs and swords.

Because of this extra processing, the laminated staffs are more expensive than the solid. At 1-1/4" diameter, the solid is typically good enough for light to moderate use.