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We are happy to offer an equivalent amount of $2 per active participantin generic gift certificates, products, or medals. With a max limit of about $200. Medals and gift certificates are by far the most popular.

We elect to donate to your event instead of paying facebook and google for advertisements. Our advertising budget is giving you money, to help your club/event grow and promote our brand. We ask that you share our link on social media, and put our link up on your webpages as a preferred vendor. Please be active with us, let us know what items you would like to see in our shop, or improvements on existing equipment.

The amount does not include spectators. If your event needs a banner, we can provide that free of charge HERE.

1. Order any item, but in particular, medals, and/or Gift Certificates online in a regular order.
2. Check out and pick "PAY BY CHECK". So don't pay anything yet.
3. Email us ([email protected]) the order number and your medals layout. I will credit and close out the order with the agreed upon amount and let you know if anything extra is due.

Please give me at least 2 weeks before you event to work on the medals.

So what do we ask for in return?

1. Put our link, on your website as a preferred vendor.
2. Put our banner up in your club and at the event, that will get photographed in the background.
3. People like us, a lot! They respect our brand, and we will make your event more professional. So mention and 'like us' and hash-tag us on the usual social media outlets before your event. We will also try to share your event on our page.
4. Mention us as sponsors at the event. Between breaks and at lunch. Get a huzzah!
5. If we send you medals, display them! People get excite over event prizes.

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