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Medieval Hood with Liripipe
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 1 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 2 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 3 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 1 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 2 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 3 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 4 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 1 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 2 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 3 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 4 of 0
Medieval Hood with Liripipe - Image 5 of 0

Medieval Hood with Liripipe

Product Code: SPESh.Medieval.Hood
Choose your options:
Colors Wool
Colors Wool(required):
Black WBlaS0003
Dark Grey WGraS0009
Light Grey WGraS0008
White WWhiS0082
Beige WBeiS0012
Yellow WYelS0083
Green WGreS0051
Dark Green WGreS0004
Blue WBluS0005
Navy Blue WNavS0010
Purple WVioS0081
Maroon WRedS0092
Red WRedS0011
Brown WBroS0006
Colors Lining
Colors Lining(required):
Linen Natural LNatS0027
Linen White LWhiS0040
Linen Black LBlaS0043
Linen Red LRedS0080
Linen Blue LBluS0078
Linen Green LGreS0035
Linen Olive LOliS0245
Linen Yellow LYelS0034
Linen Brown LBrTanC0510
Finishing SPES Historical(required):
No Cut Out
Finish 1
Finish 2
Finish 5
Finish 6
Finish 7
Finish 8
Finish 9
Finish 10
Finish 11
Finish 12
Finish 13
Finish 14
Finish 3
Finish 4

Liripipe hood in historical sources

Usually, historical sources present this model of medieval hood with a liripipe decorated with a cutout. You can find it on the pages of comédies de Térence, illustrated in the 15th century.

What is the role of liripipe in hood?

A liripipe is a characteristic element of a few medieval hoods from our assortment. The reasons for introducing this long tail are not entirely clear and we can assume that it’s a simple, yet effective, item of the former fashion. A liripipe could be worn loosely on the back, wrapped around the head, or on the shoulder.

Still, a tail has some practical features. Wrapped around the head, it prevents the hood from slipping off, which is important for a knight or fighter. You can also easily transform a medieval hood into a fabulous chaperon.
This medieval hood has a characteristic long tail -
a liripipe - and a collar reaching the shoulders.
The hood is made of wool with a linen lining.
Our offer includes a wide range of colors.


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